From our Secretary

GMC Western States
Executive Board Meeting
September 18, 2001, Mariposa, CA

Nancy Pettit, First VP, called the Board meeting to order on behalf of Claude Brousson, who was ill. Miki Singleton read the Treasurer's report. It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the report. Frank Condos read the Secretary's report. The club has 372 current members, an increase from last year. 87 members did not renew. It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the Secretary's report.

Kerry Tandy reported from the FMCA national meeting that the organization is considering a policy change to include reimbursement for travel expenses for delegates as well as national board members.

The club Nominating Committee reported the officer nominations for the year 2002 as follows: President, Claude Brousson; First VP, Fay Curtis; Technical VP, Emery Stora; Treasurer, Bill Shumway; Secretary, Frank Condos; FMCA National Director, Norm Kash; Alternate National Director, Kerry Tandy. No nominations were made from the floor. The nominated slate was accepted by vote of the Board.

Mike Cherry reported on the progress of plans for the Spring 2002 rally at Prescott, AZ.

Under new business, Emery Story requested the board authorize Al Chernoff to investigate and recommend new equipment to support computer-generated presentations. Al will be attending an upcoming computer show. First VP Pettit issued the authorization and requested that Al report to the Board via e-mail so any appropriate action could be accomplished prior to the Spring 2002 Roundup.
The meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM.

GMC Western States
General Meeting
September 18, 2001, Mariposa, CA

The general meeting was called to order after dinner by First VP Nancy Pettit. It was moved, seconded and approved to waive the reading of the previous general meeting since the minutes were published in the newsletter.

The Treasurer's report and the Secretary's report were read and accepted. Kerry Tandy presented the FMCA national meeting report. Mike Cherry presented the nominated slate of officers. There were no additional nominations from the floor. The slate was approved by acclamation of the general membership. Mike also reported on progress for the Spring Roundup May 29-June 3, at Camp Yavapines, Prescott, AZ.

Respectfully submitted,
Frank Condos, Secretary

From our Treasurer

This will be my last report as Treasurer. It has been an adventure, and it has been my pleasure to serve in this capacity. During this period we have had a steady membership averaging 380 members. Our income from dues is not quite enough to cover expenses for that period, but rally income has more than made up the difference. This was mainly due to two rallies in 1999. We were able to treat the club to a dinner at Mariposa and the rental of a golf cart. We have put $17,000 in an interest bearing account, which is available for transfer to the checking account upon phone request.

Bill Shumway will be the treasurer as of the December Statement - on or about 12/11/01.

Miki Singleton

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