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Oct 072024

GMCWS General Membership Meeting Minutes
Frank Bonelli Bluffs RV Resort, San Dimas, CA 91773
April 5, 2024

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 9:38 SM, by President Jim Kanomata.

Pledge of Allegiance was led.

Minutes of Meeting of October 6, 2023, held at the Seven Feathers RV Resort, Canyonville, OR M/S/P (S. Weinstock/J. Lockwood) To approve the Minutes of October 6, 2023, as presented.

President’s Report was presented by Jim Kanomata.

Jim would like to have the Western States and Canadian GMC clubs to be invited to participate more with the club. He would like to set up a regional representations and help expand the GMCWS membership.

Vice President’s Report/Crafts was presented by Jodell Banovich. Dave DeGraffenreid will show us how to plant Citronella plants, plumeria rooting and serving hotdog lunch with root beer floats.

Vice President’s Report/Rallies was presented by Scott Cartwright. Five more coaches coming in today. A total of 31 coaches at this rally. On Saturday, the Vintage shuttle will take people to the Vintage show and the Beatles show. Our Palm Beachers will be performing tonight. The GMCWS Fall rally will be in conjunction with the GMCMI

Treasurer’s Report was presented by Dave DeGraffenreid. The rallies will be supplemented to allow for more attendees. Balance in Treasury is $16,000. The fees for food and comraderies with the GMCMI will be shared. Mike Kociela is the GMCMI Convention Director, and he will be mixing things up and changing to new format.

Webmaster’s Report – Armand Minnie has requested to be replaced. We will be seeking volunteers to come forward to take over the GMCWS web site.

National Director’s Report/FMCA – No report.

Newsletter Editor’s Report – Vacant – seeking volunteer to take this on. Scott and Brenda Cartwright volunteered.

Nominating Committee’s Report – Following have volunteered or confirmed to continue their positions:

President – Jim Kanomata

Vice President – Jodell Banovich

Vice President – Scott Cartwright

Secretary – Grace Kanomata

Treasurer – Dave DeGraffenreid

Webmaster – Armand Minnie – wishes to be relieved – seeking volunteer

National Director/FMCA – Dean Hanson/Manny Trovao

Newsletter Editor – Scott and Brenda Cartwright

Nominations will be open to the floor.

Unfinished Business -None

New Business –
GMCMI and GMCWS Convention – Steven Weinstock reported:

Mike Kociela has replaced Kim Weeks as the Convention Director for GMCMI.
Next convention to be held at the Flying Flags RV Resort at Buellton, CA.
RV park cost at $90 per night, has cabins.
Extend “call for help” to GMC clubs: Pacific Cruisers, 49ers, Cascaders, Mountaineers, Utah, Canada.
Try to park the GMCs as together as possible at the RV Park.
Tours to the missions, casino, wineries.
Norm and Shirley Shier has extended invitations to participate in a rally at Quartzite in January at the Rice Ranch. Anyone wishing to attend should contact Norm and Shirley Shier.

Leo Macaluso has retired and is able to help out more.

George Banovich turned 83. Happy Birthday George!

Manny Trovao turned 70. Happy Birthday Manny!

The next meeting of the GMCWS will be held in October at Buellton, CA with the GMCMI.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:16 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
Grace Kanomata