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May 312017

Spring 2017 Rally Report, in Pahrump, NV
Rally Hosts Nick Roenick, Donna Ventura, George & Jodell Banovich

We gathered Thursday April 20 in the Preferred RV Park in Pahrump, NV. The RV park personnel made the checking in very easy with preassigned spots, and we gathered at the clubhouse for the first Happy Hour, followed by a nice dinner at the Nugget Casino. There we welcomed all guests, new members and fellow GMCers to the rally.

Friday began with a hot buffet breakfast at the clubhouse and then it was off to the tech and craft sessions. The tech sessions were in the clubhouse and covered a large variety of subjects. For more detail, please check out our Tech VP George Beckman’s coverage in this issue of the Newsletter and on our web site. The ladies went to the adjacent building, which serves as a craft house for the park and their members. Carol Minnie, our First VP, wrote a great article, also in this Newsletter and on our web site, covering all the crafts which were very interesting and fun to do. The ladies had a special noon time coffee/tea event. Thank you, Carol. After all that hard work, we had Happy Hour and a catered dinner by Dickey’s B-B-Q.

Saturday, we had a short day of activities after a hot breakfast at the clubhouse so folks could go out and explore the area. Some came back early in the evening for an impromptu potluck dinner and social time.

On Sunday, we went to the Casino to have a catered breakfast followed by the membership meeting. The coverage is in this edition of the Newsletter. This was followed by more seminars and craft sessions. George Beckman led an Open Forum session which was well attended. Thank you, George. We ended the day with Happy Hour and a great dinner at the Casino.  

After the continental breakfast at the clubhouse on Monday morning, it was time to say our good byes until the next rally in Paso Robles in October.

We want to thank all the vendors and seminar presenters for their participation, as well as the Preferred RV Park personnel who made us feel at home, and the great staff, food and venue provided by the Nugget Casino.