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Oct 222017

DonnaVGMCWS would like to warmly welcome the following members who joined our club in
2017. We look forward to meeting them (if we haven’t already) and including them in our
festivities and activities. Our new members and their locales are shown below.

  • Scott & Brenda Cartwright, San Luis Obispo, CA
    Patrice Ciccarelli, Huntington Beach, CA
    Jinx Deruisa, Watsonville, CA
    Mike Hackett, Sahuarita, AZ
    David Horowitz, Raymond, CA
    Randy and Joe Johnson, St. George, UT
    Marc Pruyts (aka Dutch Marc), Los Angeles, CA
    Dan McCarthy, Sparks, NV
    Terry Pennock, British Columbia, Canada
    Richard and Ruth Peairs, Atascadero, CA
    Jason (Chase) Peters, Las Vegas, NV
    Kenneth Smelser, Portland, OR

If I forgot anybody, please let me know. It was an inadvertent omission, and I hang my

2018 Annual Dues Are Due by December 31, 2017
Thanks to all of our members who have already paid their 2018 membership dues. Your
continued support and participation at our rallies make it possible for our club to be as
successful as it is. The membership at the Spring rally in Pahrump agreed that we will charge
an additional $10 per year to members who wish to receive printed copies of our newsletter,
which are sent by US mail. Therefore, the dues renewal form will reflect that change. Members
who have already paid for 2018, and perhaps beyond, will be grandfathered in and not subject
to the additional $10 fee.

For those who haven’t renewed yet: I will be sending out reminders by November 1. If we don’t
receive your payment by December 31, 2017 you may not be included in the 2018
Membership Roster.

2018 Membership Roster - Information Needed
It’s that time of year again when I begin producing the 2018 Roster. To help me in this
endeavor, I would appreciate your reviewing your personal data on our website Log on and then, on the left-hand side, under the red banner titled My
Profile Summary, click on Edit My Profile. If you need changes made and don’t want
to do them yourself, give me a call at 925-200- 6227 and I will do it for you. Or send me
an email at with changes you want made. Remember that if you
don’t renew for 2018 before the end of 2017, you may not be included in the 2018

Thanks for your help in keeping this great organization thriving!