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May 292017

DonnaVGMCWS would like to warmly welcome the following members who joined our club
recently. We look forward to meeting them (if we haven’t already) and including them in
our festivities and activities. Our new members and their locales are shown below.

 Scott and Brenda Cartwright, San Luis Obispo, CA
 Patrice Ciccarelli, Huntington Beach, CA
 Randy Johnson, St. George, Utah. Randy brought his father, Joe, with him to the
    Pahrump rally, where we celebrated his 94 th birthday!
 Chase Peters, Las Vegas, NV

If I missed anybody, please let me know and I will be sure to include you in the next
Newsletter. It was an inadvertent omission, and I hang my head!

Roster Updates and Corrections

Please add Mark and Annette Elmer to your printed roster – I left them out by mistake –
my sincerest apologies to them. They are still on the web roster, however, so you can
find their details there.

The printed roster, listing by state, shows Gordy Lee lives in Cottonwood, California.
Correction: Gordy Lee lives in Cottonwood, ARIZONA.

For the first time in my tenure as Secretary, we had no returns from the Post Office of
rosters that were undeliverable. So I send out a great thanks to everyone for keeping
your addresses updated on our website.

See you in Paso Robles in October!

Donna Ventura
GMCWS Secretary