GMC Vendors – see “GMC Vendor Ads” under “GMC Suppliers” in menu below

Jun 262011

[This rally report was published in the June newsletter.  It is reproduced here - not 100% accurately - for demonstration purposes.]

We were indeed in “The Heart of Steinbeck Country” in King City’s beautiful and exceptional San Lorenzo County RV Park. For starters the trip there was a breath of Spring and picturesque no matter what direction you came from. It had everything we needed for a perfect Rally: a lush green landscape with big trees for shade, a great meeting room named DeAnza and another room for seminars and games named Portola, paths for strolling or power walking, pet friendly places for our furry friends to explore, fantastic food and libations, a movie with a GMC in it, lots of pertinent seminars, a resident magician, karaoke singing and good old GMC fellowship which included a putting and horseshoe contest event. The clan assembled raring to proceed on to some high old good times. Our faithful vendors made it easy to buy the things we need, and they partied along with us. It should have been filmed for posterity or maybe “Americas Funniest Videos” or a reality show with a name I have yet to come up with.The weather helped us along with variable days, a little wind and chilly nights.

We owe all this frivolity to those wonderful people Phil and Joanne Hernandez, who no doubt learned how to give a heck of a rally by practicing on the GMC Pacifi c Cruisers. But now is the time to remind all of us, a lot of help awaits those who boldly step up and give it a go. It was a positive experience for everyone there because we have such great members in GMC Western States.  Didn’t we all choose the GMC? Or – did it choose us? Interesting thought…..

Yes, the Queen of Fitness Freddi Condos got those so inclined off for stretching and a brisk walk in the mornings, so we could appreciate the hearty breakfasts, and then tour the off -site San Antonio de Padua Mission and visit the on-site Agricultural & Rural Life Museum, Irrigation Museum, Farmhouse, Schoolhouse and Blacksmith Shop. Th ese were guided tours, so we didn’t miss a thing. We even had a picnic lunch near an olive tree which is 150 years old at the Mission. Both tours were very interesting. The naps had to be quick because we had a lot of seminars to attend – unless you needed a sun bath or slow down time or maybe a game or two. Th e marbles, cards, jokers and trains (Mexican) were really flying.

The ladies’ seminars (with a few good men) kept our minds and hands busy. We had a book exchange and book discussion  (Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck) and the erudite comments were amazing. Or we remembered something that happened to us in our GMC while travelling, and those stories were funny. The next day found us at a gab fest – we solved many of the world’s problems, but the question of the desirability of ladies underwear as advertised on TV remains open. That was also the day the Minnie’s gave their very informative informational seminar on everything you wanted to know about digital photography from taking the pictures to using the Internet to assemble the finished product albums. Saturday found us having a mini swap meet (items were $1 and a lot of us really cleaned up or came home with more stuff ) and a comedy video by Jeanne Robertson. That woman is flat out funny. The Minnies also told us “What We Did on Our Summer Vacation” on Sunday which was very interesting and well digitally photographed! The grand finale was a wild and crazy craft session plus more miniswaps not to mention a food demo. Carol Binns demonstrated her line of flash frozen food which is good for long term storage and RV travel as it is light and easy to fi x. We decorated quilt squares with permanent pens for fabrics with drawings of our GMC’s.  These are very talented or gutsy people! We even got some men to join us. Th eir squares were very artistic and accurate. And we also painted little GMC’s and made them into magnets. A big thanks to Joan McKechnie for preparing all those hand made GMC’s and providing the paint and expertise. Since Dorthy Hooton had to leave early due to a family bash, we will do her craft in the Fall which will be making necklaces for us to wear our badges on.  Something else to look forward to.

Special thanks should be given to Dorris Garton who gave a super seminar on health issues with a concentration on the benefits of Vitamin D and how to interpret the correct Vitamin D levels.  Several people had received this info from Dorris previously, and they had good reports on how they had been helped by increasing their blood levels of Vitamin D.

Sharon Cerrina gave the Sunday Morning Devotion in a highly personal and spirit filled way. We all joined together to sing “Jesus Loves Me”, and it was a special time for those of us attending.  Many thanks, Sharon, for a job well done.

Meanwhile the men and anyone else who was interested learned more about solar for RVs (Doug Norton), vapor locking problems and solutions (Jim Kanomata), Phil Hernandez’ panel of experts took questions and Gary Bovee used The Idiots Guide to Finding 1973-1978 GMC Motorhome Information and Manny Trovao covered the Chevy front end kit with all new parts. Gary Bovee told us “the best thing he ever did to his GMC” which turned out to be a wireless air system several members are already planning to add to their own GMC. If you needed another personal engine failure story with lessons to be learned, Chuck Garton expertly covered that in his seminar. Additionally, Gene Fisher and DJ Eberhart were terrific Facilitators of the Technical Seminars.  Gene also gave us the latest information on the electrical nuts and bolts of the GMC. These are our guys!

After an olive oil tasting and demonstration of their techniques in making the oil by a local grower, a maxi swap meet on vendors row and open coach time, we wound up the business end of our Club at a general membership meeting followed by some of us dressed as Steinbeck characters. As promised, libation from a bucket was provided which segued into another delicious catered dinner and karaoke singing into the night. The ladies kicked up their heels doing western line dancing into the night while many a manly man warbled sad love songs. The morn found us headed out with smiles on our faces. It should be mentioned, old friendships were celebrated, and new friends were made here in the glorious west.  Happy trails!