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May 162019

GMC Western States Business Meeting
San Diego Metro KOA RV Park, Chula Vista, CA
April 6, 2019

Meeting was called to order at 9:35 am by President Bobbie Schultz. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ralph Mundia; Geoffrey Godding led us in the singing of the Canadian and U.S. National anthems.

Bobbie Schultz, President
First-timer Richard Curiel of San Diego was recognized and welcomed. Several other first-time rally attendees were not present at the membership meeting.

President Schultz thanked Patrice Ciccarelli and the Pacific Cruisers for providing us with a wonderful breakfast of avocado toast and all the trimmings. She also thanked Hoss Hauge for making new directional signs for this and future rallies; Hoss indicated that, because they are made of sturdy aluminum, they will last well into the future.

President Schultz presented the following gifts and certificates of appreciation:
1.  to outgoing president Nick Roenick - a Home Depot gift certificate.
2.  to Hoss Hauge - certificate of appreciation, as our official Coffee Meister
3.  to George Beckman - certificate of appreciation, in recognition as our unofficial Minister, and for his wonderful joke telling

Nick Roenick presented President Schultz with a lighted GMC counter piece with an outline of the now famous, limited-series belt buckle made by member Hoss Hauge.

New business
President Schultz requested volunteers for the Nominating Committee for 2020 Officers, with elections to be held in October at the fall 2019 rally. Nominating Committee members are George Banovich, Carla Bolton, and Jerry Work.

Inventory of Audiovisual Equipment
Dave deGraffenreid, Doug Norton and Manny Trovao collected the club’s audiovisual equipment for an official inventory, disposed of the non-working apparatus, and purchased new items as needed, so we now have a complete set of working audiovisual equipment that the club can use at its rallies.

Donna Ventura, GMCWS Secretary
The new name badges were enthusiastically welcomed. It was explained that, in addition to those given out to attendees at this rally, the Secretary will have new name tags produced and mailed to those members who request them. If there are attendees at the Fall rally who have not yet received their name badges, she will have them produced and brought to the rally. These name badges will replace the tags that are made at each rally. The club is covering the initial cost of these badges; replacements will cost members $10 each, which will include shipping.

A motion was made by Hoss Hauge to approve the minutes as printed in the last newsletter; motion was seconded by George Beckman; motion was carried.

Update: Suenell Tordini has volunteered to assist the Secretary in some of her duties, e.g., producing the annual roster.

Sharon Work, FMCA Representative
The number of members of GMC clubs comprise a large percentage of the FMCA membership. Their next rally is in Minot, North Dakota, in mid-late August; then March 2020 in Tucson; the next in Rock Springs, Wyoming. Our western area rallies are held in June in Albany, Oregon, and Indio, California, in January. All GMC club members are welcome at any of their rallies.

Armand Minnie, GMCWS Webmaster
Armand again expressed a strong desire for a backup to his job as Webmaster. He has the capability to help an individual learn the ropes remotely. If anyone is interested, please talk with him. Update: Tom Ciccarelli has volunteered to be Armand’s backup.

Jim Kanomata, Tech VP
Jim will be unable to attend the GMCMI convention in Ohio in the fall. Kim Weeks has expressed to him that she would like to have a future rally again in the Western US, perhaps Arizona or South Dakota.

Jim thanked the presenters at this rally’s technical sessions, and encouraged our members to share with the rest of the club what they have learned, technically, about their GMCs. He asks that members give him their ideas and/or topics for discussion, and he will help them put together a useful presentation. George Beckman also offered his assistance to help members put together their presentations, if they so desire.

Larry Schulte, a former employee of GM at the time of the birth of the GMC motorhome, will give a presentation tomorrow at 10 am in the clubhouse about the early days of the GMC motorhome. His presentation can be found on the GMCWS website.

Dave deGraffenreid, Treasurer
As of April 1, 2019, we have $21,425 in the treasury. Income was ~$3,000 (primarily dues). Expenses included the newsletter (~$1350), new name badges, and the annual roster (~$1,000).

Move to adjourn the meeting was made by Ruth Beckman and seconded by George Beckman. Motion was carried and the meeting was adjourned at 10:07 am.