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Jun 012018

GMCWS General Membership Meeting
Lazy Days RV Park, Tucson, AZ
April 10, 2018

President Nick Roenick called the meeting to order at 12 noon.

Roll Call of Officers present: Nick Roenick, Carol Minnie, George Beckman, Dave deGraffenreid and Donna Ventura. President Roenick also recognized Sandy Clark, our Newsletter Editor; Sharon Work, our FMCA Representative; and Armand Minnie, our Webmaster and a past President.

GMCMI President Stan Edwards was acknowledged for inviting GMCWS to their Spring 2018 rally, GMCMI’s first one in the Western U.S. in10 years. To recognize Stan’s contributions to the GMCMH Community, President Roenick presented him with a GMCWS-logo belt buckle fabricated by GMCWS member Hoss Hauge. The buckle is #7 in a very limited edition that are being cast one at a time for special presentations.

Thanks to many GMCWS members who helped make this a successful joint rally, including Armand Minnie, GMCWS rally Host/Coordinator. The following members were instrumental in making the “Western States Monday” a huge success: Dave deGraffenreid, who coordinated our food; Manny Trovao and his crew of many for cooking the BBQ dinner; Bobbie Schultz for coordinating the Margarita Party Happy Hour; Carol Minnie for the very fun Ladies Luncheon; George Beckman, our technical presentation roustabout (a tough job); Cal Terry, the go-to guy for the dinner; and Bill Kittredge, our ever-entertaining auctioneer. Bill’s efforts helped us raise over $700, which will offset some of the costs of the BBQ dinner.

J R Slaten and Alex Ferrara were acknowledged for their participation in this rally and their hands-on assistance to our members with their technical issues.


Guests Daniel & Marjon Jacobs were introduced. They are visiting us once again from the Netherlands; it’s always great to see them. Wayne and Gail Metz from Brentwood, Northern California, attended, along with their yellow and white Nash Metropolitan. Former member George Baxter also attended and rejoined the club – welcome back, George. It’s always nice to see members whom we haven’t seen in a while.

Fall 2017 Minutes

A motion was made to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Fall 2017 Membership Meeting, as shown on the GMCWS website. The motion was seconded and accepted by the members present.

Treasurer’s Report

Per Dave de Graffenreid, GMCWS Treasurer, we continue to do well. Balance as of April 10, 2018 was $19,861, before banking the funds made from this rally’s auction and the check from FMCA (see FMCA News below). The dinner we provided during this rally cost approximately $1100. A motion was made to accept the report as presented; motion was seconded and passed by the attendees. Note: The Margaritas for the Western States Monday Margarita Party were provided by members Jim and Grace Kanomata since, per FMCA regulations, the club cannot provide alcohol at its rallies. Thanks to Jim and Grace for their generosity.

Election of Officers for 2019

The nominating committee consists of Armand Minnie and George Banovich. Positions open are the President, First VP and Technical VP. Current officers who have agreed to serve for another year are Dave de Graffenreid, Treasurer, and Donna Ventura, Secretary. We still need an Alternate FMCA Representative to back up Sharon Work. At the October meeting we will present nominations to the membership and elect officers for 2019.

New Business

GMCWS Shirts and caps were available throughout this rally. Attendees were reminded that they are still available from Donna Ventura until the end of the rally. President Roenick gave kudos to Phil Hernandez, who designed the logo.

Unfinished Business

GMCWS, and the other GMC MH clubs, are always looking for new members. One way we addressed this was the recent bylaw change that allows members to remain in the club even if they sell their GMC. The GMC MH community has significant exposure on Facebook, with 12 pages, plus GMC owners can access GMCNet on the internet for copious amounts of technical information.


In recognition of GMCWS’ 30th anniversary, FMCA presented a certificate and a $150 check to Carol Minnie at a recent FMCA meeting. Carol then presented to President Roenick the certificate and the check.

Next FMCA Northwestern Area rally is in June 2018 at Coos Bay at the Mills Casino. The next National FMCA rally is in July in Gillette, Wyoming. Gerry and Sharon will be attending both rallies.

Sharon Work, our FMCA Director, noted that FMCA is no longer just for motorhome owners, since a recent vote that went to the entire membership resulted in allowing owners of tow-ables (e.g., trailers, fifth wheels) to be members of FMCA.

Gerry Work announced that he has been appointed the chair of the FMCA Review Council, which reviews inappropriate, unethical behavior or malfeasance by members or officers of FMCA chapters. Let Gerry know of any such issue; communications can be anonymous, if desired.

Fall 2018 Rally

The Fall rally will be held at Mt. Hood, Oregon. Dates are October 4-9. Gary Berry and Manny and Deo Trovao are the co-hosts. We expect many of our northern area members to attend and rekindle old friendships.

George Banovich moved to adjourn the meeting, and Carol Minnie seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 12:28 pm.