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May 102016

Five GMCs Were Shown at the Redondo Beach All GM Car Show on April 30th, 2016

Dave and Arlene Cantrell were awarded a trophy for their beautiful GMC.

Dave and Arlene Cantrell were awarded a trophy for their beautiful GMC.

For a fun day take your coach to a car show. By offering to reimburse the entry fee for the coach, GMC Western States is encouraging members to show their coaches because the mostly “hands on” car show people are the ideal next generation of buyers for GMC motorhomes. Five members of Pacific Cruisers took their coaches to the Redondo Beach All GM car show on April 30th. They were Ed and Eileen Staal, Ralph and Annie Mundia, Dave and Arlene Cantrell, Dave and Donna deGraffenreid, and Jim and Audree Rowe. We set up an information table with literature about the supportability of the coaches and opened our doors. Jim spoke to several people who have been seriously looking for a GMC and were happy to get the informational brochure and the cards with links to GMC sites showing coaches for sale.

5 GMCs were entered in the All GM car show and one of them won a prize.

5 GMCs were entered in the All GM car show and one of them won a prize.

Hundreds of people toured our coaches. We loved all the attention and the comments ranging from “I didn’t know they still made these things” to” I’ve always been curious about what they looked like inside and this is the first chance I ever had to see one.” The car show people loved having us. They said we were the hit of the show and something that distinguished their show from all the others. They’ve already invited us back for the next show. With our entries we each got a goodie bag filled with literature, product samples, a hat, a car show t-shirt, a coupon good for two free lunches at the adjacent Ruby’s Diner, and a raffle ticket for the giant array of prizes. Ed and Annie each won something in the drawing. Not a bad deal. And guess what? Dave and Arlene were awarded a trophy for their beautiful GMC.