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Oct 042012

Manny Trovao came through again and took Frank Condos' design for vehicle scales and our experiece using them at Casa de Fruta and made some new scale platforms from half-inch thick welded aluminum.

Last time we weighed 31 coaches. This time with far fewer coaches at the rally we weighed 16 of them. Below are our results. Everything is pretty much self-explanatory except the "X-factor" which is my try at looking at the theory that a heavy side in the front might be caused by a torsion bar on one side being mis-adjusted and causing the rear suspension on the opposite side to make up for it. The number is derived by subtracting the total of a front and it's opposite rear side total from the other front and it's opposite rear side total. Comments are welcome.

Below is a list of the coaches in order by model - if you want the download of the PDF click HERE.  If you want the raw data click HERE for a down-loadable version of the Excel spreadsheet.