GMC Vendors – see “GMC Vendor Ads” under “GMC Suppliers” in menu below

Apr 262012

Below are notes by Donna Prishmont followed by photos from Rebecca Bovee and Armand Minnie.

Dinner tonight was Portugese-style New York Steak by Manny and his family. Tender and tasty - you should have been there. After dinner several groups met to discuss their favorite GMC topics like fuel injection, quad-bag suspensions, etc. Very informative and fun.

New Computing
by Gene Fisher

 Pods, Pads, Phones, Tablets
It is inevitable that we will have one of these!
A discussion on what these things do (or don’t do) for you.
i-Pad demonstration on Melissa’s i-Pad.  You can do things on the I-Pad that you cannot do with a regular computer (PC, laptop or desktop).  i-Pod is a mini version of the I-Pad.  Everything you can do on your PC you can do on your I-Pad.  However, I-Pads are difficult to type on.
Gene likes the i-Pad for all the thousands of applications available to choose. Speedtest X app allows you to take pictures of whatever picture you have on your screen.
 Virgin Mobile $40 – buy 10 days for $10.  Unlimited data for $50 a month.  It’s a cellphone/internet device.  No contracts.
i-Pad is great for getting online magazine subcriptions.  MagicJack is an app that allows you to use VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) for local and long distance calling through the I-Pad.
Bluetooth ear phone.  Blue ant ear phone. $30.  Not for cellphones.  A2-DP Bluetooth will work with your phone, computer and listen to music.  Make sure you can return it if it doesn’t work with your particular applications.
To view Gene’s presentation go to:
Donna Prishmont

GMC on the Internet 

by Armand Minnie
Armand delivered a very informative talk and visuals from his computer on accessing   signing on, checking and updating your personal information, and moving around the website in general.  Newsletters are listed in PDF form for the latest newsletter as well as archived.
Also, there was a very in informative discussion on accessing the GMCnet and the forum.  As well as questions and answers for individual questions.
Donna Prishmont
Gregg Birch on his Grandfather, Alex Birch

(the Birchhaven was named after him).
Greg gave us a wonderful, warm history of the Birch family and how this family of “tinkerers” were entwined with GM and the GMC Motorhome.
For the full story and lots of pictures, go to
Be sure and follow all the links for all the pictures
Also, see the “GMC Heritage” site.
Manny conducted a little wine tasting contest to see what people thought of a variety of wines from some "two-buck-chuck" to a home-made wine by a member.
Each evening volunteers served dinner to "VIPs" - people who had contributed to the rally by conducting seminars or other significant contributions. Each evening the servers were dressed in 'formal' wear provided by Manny.
