GMC Vendors – see “GMC Vendor Ads” under “GMC Suppliers” in menu below

Apr 242012

Arrival day at a rally usually has very little activity but this day was a little different. Be sure to check out the photos at the bottom of this page.

Vendors: for a list, photos, and a movie of vendors at the rally check out Gene Fisher's blog at

Jerry Work along with some help from volunteers checked ride heights at the check-in spot. They were only looking for low or high in front and rear. Jerry had a suspicion that most would be low and he was right.
Got off to a good start, then stalled. The scales went home with Manny for a little re-work. We will try again later in the week.

Manny and his family demonstrated why they have the reputation of producing some very fine dining that is head and shoulders above any food you'd find at any rally. Better, actually, than food you'd find at most restaurants. Portugese pork tenderloin with roasted vegetables was something to write home about - in my haste to taste I forgot to take a photo but take my word for it.

After dinner we had a welcome meeting for first-timers - we had quite a few.

Here are photos by Rebecca Bovee and Armand: