GMC Vendors – see “GMC Vendor Ads” under “GMC Suppliers” in menu below


Jun 142013

GMCWS members George and Nancy Michalko entered their 1976 GMC Palm Beach in the 2013 Rat Fink Reunion Car Show in Utah on June 1. The show is a tribute in memory to “Big daddy Ed Roth” who was a hot rod icon from the late [read more]

Jun 062013
June 2013 Newsletter (#90)

The June 2013 GMCWS newsletter (#90) is now available for viewing or printing by clicking on the box below. It is a large file so be patient.  

Apr 182013

The following are videos I know of at the time I am posting this. If more people tell me about theirs I will add another post rather than update this one. Hula Lessons: GMC theme song: The Green Green Grass: Steve Ferguson’s Crokie (karaoke) Night: [read more]

Apr 162013

Was this a great rally or what? Tuesday the GMCs began to roll in.  After a lot of gripping and grinning and renewing acquaintances, the attendees enjoyed a Social Hour (aka Happy Hour) with Dave deGraffenreid’s Margarita Bucket available to loosen folks up and followed [read more]

Apr 162013

The first batch of photos below are from Carl Stouffer and are mostly of GMCs (of course) and the second batch, by Donna deGraffenreid, are mostly of the people and the social activities – Thanks Carl and Donna. The photos below are by Donna.

Apr 102013

Last time we weighed 16 coaches. This time we weighed 12 of them. Below are our results. Everything is pretty much self-explanatory except the “X-factor” which is my try at looking at the theory that a heavy side in the front might be caused by [read more]

Feb 202013
March 2013 Newsletter (#89)

The March 2013 GMCWS newsletter (#89) is now available for viewing or printing by clicking on the box below.  

Feb 132013
"A Gherkin Tale" by Nancy & John Williamson

Nancy and I have only had our Gherkin, (our 26 foot Parrot Green 1973 GMC Sequoia) for five years now, so we are relatively new on the GMC scene and can’t be considered experts on anything by any stretch of the imagination. However, we are [read more]

Feb 122013

Thetford, the parent company of Norcold has asked us to tell our members about a recall of their 1200 series rv refrigerators. Details of the recall, including serial numbers, is available at Please take a look if you have a Norcold rv refrigerator.

Oct 112012

The following message was written for the November 2012 newsletter. Hello fellow GMCers. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve the GMCWS community in this position. I was surprised when I was asked by the Nominating Committee to consider running for [read more]