GMC Vendors – see “GMC Vendor Ads” under “GMC Suppliers” in menu below


May 272014

The June 2014 GMCWS newsletter (#94) is now available for viewing and/or printing below. Or, you can click >>HERE<<. It is a large file so be patient.

Apr 272014

We may have some help from a new “Mr. Onan”. We have been “adrift” with our Onan generators since we lost the original (to us) Mr. Onan, Duane Simmons. Gary Bovee has spend a lot of time learning what Duane taught and has some new [read more]

Feb 202014

The March 2014 GMCWS newsletter (#93) is now available for viewing and/or printing below. Or, you can click >>HERE<<. It is a large file so be patient.

Nov 042013

The November 2013 GMCWS newsletter (#92) is now available for viewing and/or printing below. Or, you can click >>HERE<<. It is a large file so be patient.

Oct 052013
GMCs, BBQ, and music

 A day of gorgeous weather, good food (and wine), and music. Everyone had a great time.

Oct 052013

This video was shot by Steve F. and is the (almost) final step in the complete renovation of Jim D’s coach. The sofa was shipped to Coos Bay to meet Jim B. and Jim D. who were attending the Fall 2013 rally.

Oct 052013

Rob Mueller and John Sharp investigated the flow path of oil in the GMC motorhome engines. The reason this is interesting is that there is an idea that after an engine failure the oil cooler becomes dangerous to use because of residual particles of metal [read more]

Oct 052013

Below is Rob Mueller’s presentation (it may take a little time to show up depending on your connection speed). A note on refurbishing the blue plastic coating is elsewhere on the site – click >>HERE<< to read it:

Oct 052013
Coos Bay Rally Day 3 - more photos

 Had some really good talks about the history of the GMC from the invention of the body structure in the post World War II days to the restoring of GMCs by Goalby and Clasco.

Oct 032013
Coos Bay Rally - Arrival Day, Wed., Oct. 2nd

The weather is not quite there yet but it is supposed to get nice tomorrow (Thursday). Meanwhile, almost all 140 coaches have arrived and there are lots of smiling faces as friends, old and new, walk around and see who is here. A big attraction [read more]

Jul 312013
August 2013 Newsletter (#91)

The August 2013 GMCWS newsletter (#91) is now available for viewing or printing by clicking on the box below. It is a large file so be patient.