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Apr 282019

First on my agenda, it is my pleasure to share with you that we had a very successful and enjoyable Spring Rally.  It was so nice to see all of you.  Thank you for all the pictures you’ve  contributed to commemorate the rally and the experience, we will have no lack of pictures to share in the August newsletter.

I’m working on the Fall Rally Oct.2-7 2019 at 7 Feathers,RV Park and Casino in southern  Oregon and planning  some fun and interesting experiences. It will be a great way to usher in the Fall, with all the beautiful array of colors in Southern Oregon.

When you check in at 7 Feathers, we will have a welcoming site, where you will pick up your welcoming package, water, a pumpkin to decorate with Jodell Banovich at 3pm, to place in the clubhouse as centerpieces.  Maybe you’ll win the prize for best pumpkin carving.   

I’m asking members to volunteer to lead programs and events. Armand Minnie is collecting rally fee’s and will keep an updated spread sheet on the web-site, where you will be able to check and see who will be attending.  Carol Minnie will be co-hosting the ladies brunch with me, 12-2pm Sunday Oct.6th and will host the coffee and book club 11-12pm, Fri. Oct 4th  in the Club House . The book we have chosen is “The Oregon Trail” by Rinker Buck, such a great book, I think all GMC’ers can identify with driving a modern Journey across the Oregon Trail in a covered wagon, especially if your into western American history, woven in with days of exploration and peril, it’s your book. Dave de Graffenreid will host the Oregon Couples game 8pm Fri. Oct 4th, in the Clubhouse. George and Ruth Beckman will lead our Sunday Church Service, It’s always so inspiring.  Sunday Oct 6th 9:30-10am, Clubhouse.

The Cascader’s are hosting a pancake breakfast 8-9am Thursday, Oct.3rd, Clubhouse.

I want to start with 7 Feathers Oct Rally going paperless, meaning you bring cutlery, plates, glasses and napkins.  It’s an effort to save the planet and the trees it takes to produce the service.  I read a plastic fork will outlive me.

We’re leaving May 9th for 7 Feather’s Oregon to set up and work out the planning.  We will drive the tour route and talk with caterers.  I will send pictures from the road for your enjoyment.  I want to thank you for all the interest and inquires you’ve shown towards Gene.  He gets stronger each day and is looking forward to panning for gold along with a craft beer from Oregon.    

Thank you to Jim and Grace Kanomata for hosting a craft beer tasting 5-6pm Fri Oct 4th Clubhouse.

I also wanted to thank you for all my Birthday Greeting’s, it was fun hearing from all of you.

We will spend 2 days with Donna Ventura and Nick Roenick on our way home.  Donna and I will be reviewing amendments to our by-laws over the last few years.  Look for a list in the Aug Newsletter along with a list of property Western States has, thank you to Dave de Graffenreid our superb Treasurer.

               Happy Trails to you and watch for postings from the road in Oregon.  Hope to see all of you soon in Oregon. What Key is the hardest to turn?   A Donkey.  By the way, I’m getting riddles together for the rally.

Bobbie Schultz, President