GMC Vendors – see “GMC Vendor Ads” under “GMC Suppliers” in menu below


Jun 262011

Our membership roster is published on this site for exclusive use of GMC Western States members.  You must be a member of GMCWS to access the roster which is available in alphabetical order by last name and by state of residence.  We keep the rosters [read more]

Jun 262011

Our bylaws had last been updated on August 25, 1996.  Over the past few years a lot of work was done by various people and committees to incorporate changes that the FMCA has requested since 1996.  Changes to the bylaws normally require a membership vote.  [read more]

Jun 262011
King City - Spring 2011

[This rally report was published in the June newsletter.  It is reproduced here – not 100% accurately – for demonstration purposes.] We were indeed in “The Heart of Steinbeck Country” in King City’s beautiful and exceptional San Lorenzo County RV Park. For starters the trip [read more]

Jun 012011
President's Message - June 2011

The Spring rally in King City was a big success – the San Lorenzo County Park is one of the nicest campgrounds that Carol and I have ever stayed in.  We liked it so much that we went back to it for two more nights [read more]

Feb 012011
President's Message - February 2011

Winter greetings to all of you – we hope you are keeping warm and enjoying yourself.  We have kept busy going to our first FMCA area rally and spending our first couple of nights in Quartzsite.  Other than that, we have had lots of time [read more]

Nov 082010

This is the beginning of the blog section of the web site.  Here we will be posting information about what is currently happening with the club – a kind of log of current activities.  Members will be able to comment on the log entries [read more]

Nov 012010
President's Message - November 2010

Hello fellow GMCers.  Thanks for the opportunity to participate in such a responsible position in such a wonderful and historic club.  My wife Carol and I have been members of the GMC Western States Club for only a short time – 2 years – but [read more]
