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Apr 052012

GMCWS 2012 Spring Roundup - Casa de Fruta Wine Festival
(The Schedule and Registration forms are below - if you don't see them you probably don't have Adobe Reader installed - please see the note in red below.  If you can't get it to work it will be included with the printed newsletter - if you get the newsletter by email and you can't get it here let us know.)

April 24-29, 2012

   Casa de Fruta RV Resort is Located in the Oak trees and green rolling hills of Hollister, California. Spring time April 24th-29th should be a beautiful time of year to enjoy our GMC Friends.

The rally hosts Deo & Manny Trovao are well organized and have a large and willing-to-serve family - and they know how to cook!  The meals will be gourmet and plentiful.

The co-hosts Donna & Dave de Graffenreid are busy working on entrainment (not "survivor" type, as hard as that is for Dave).

Our Vice Presidents are working on fun and informative seminars for everyone.

Dorthy Hooton is presenting a genealogy search starting with some of your own family names and dates of birth that you bring.  She plans to continue with this at our Fall rally in Utah.

Lillian Trubert will be hosting the book club.  The book is 1000 White Woman by Jim Fergus. Followed by a White Elephant gift exchange.

In addition to great meals, there will be a BBQ Wine Festival, GMC Driving Tips, a Book Club, a Western Night, some interesting and informative seminars, Coach Open House and a Swap Meet. Oh, maybe a few games of Jokers and Marbles or Mexican Train and karaoke.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone and catching up. Come early and stay late if you like.  Fill out and mail in your registration forum found in the latest Newsletter or download it below.

See you all there

Hosts Deo & Manny    Co-Hosts Donna & Dave

If you have trouble viewing the schedule and registration forms below then you may not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.  To install the Acrobat Reader go to the Adobe web site at to download and install it.  It is safe to install this program - just note that there is a check-box just above the "download now" button that defaults to also installing McAfee software at the same time - you don't have to install that.

Here is the current schedule (check back - it may change) as of March 18th.  - a direct link to the file is below the display:[2012-april-rally-schedule]

The direct link to the schedule as a PDF is here.

Here is the registration from to be printed and sent with your fees:[2012-april-rally-registration]

The direct link to the registration form as a PDF is here.  If you still can't read a PDF then try it as a Word file here - but you should probably try to update your PDF reader here.