Driving Directions

Primary route:

Whether coming from the south or north, you are heading for Merced, CA on Highway 99.
Once in Merced take Highway 140 east approximately 40 miles to Mariposa.
Turn right (south) on 49.
The fairgrounds will be approximately 3 miles south of town on the left.

Alternate routes:

1. If you are coming from the south on Highway 99, an alternate and more scenic route is to drive to Fresno.
In Fresno take Highway 41 north.
Follow Yosemite signs 46 miles to Oakhurst.
Turn left (north) on 49.
The fairgrounds will be approximately 23 miles from Oakhurst on the right (3 miles before the town of Mariposa).

2. If you are coming from the Lake Tahoe area you can pick up Highway 49 from US 50 at Placerville.
You will drive a significant portion of the Gold Country Highway, but be prepared for a long tortuous road.

3. If you are interested in mountain driving with breathtaking view of the High Sierra, you can take Highway 120
from the east at Mono Lake on Highway 395. The road takes you through Yosemite Park via Tioga Pass.
From the Park take Highway 140 west to Mariposa.