Monthly Site Activity Analysis

      Statistics Report for

      Analysis for the Month of Feb, 2002.

      Server Activity Totals for Period:
       Total sessions served : 13070
       Total hits made on server : 82805
       Total page view hits : 26391
       Total non page view hits : 56414
       Total time spent by all sessions : 1124321 seconds
       Total bandwidth : 1120607.02 kilobytes
      Session Averages for Period:
       Total sessions served : 13070
       Average hits per session : 6.34
       Average page views per session : 2.02
       Average time spent per session : 84.20 seconds
       Average bandwidth usage per session : 85.74 kilobytes
      Session Origins for Period:
       Total sessions served : 13070
       Total search engine referred sessions : 748 (5.72%)
       Total referred session : 9029 (69.08%)
       Total blind (no referrer) sessions : 3293 (25.20%)

      Page Views per Session Breakdown:
       10327 (79.01%) sessions made 1 page view
       2703 (20.68%) sessions made 2-5 page views
       193 (1.48%) sessions made 6-10 page views
       53 (0.41%) sessions made 11-20 page views
       26 (0.20%) sessions made 21-50 page views
       3 (0.02%) sessions made 51-100 page views
       41 (0.31%) sessions made 101 or more page views
      Time Spent per Session Breakdown:
       11730 (89.75%) sessions lasted 1 minute
       717 (5.49%) sessions lasted 2-5 minutes
       652 (4.99%) sessions lasted 6-15 minutes
       193 (1.48%) sessions lasted 16-30 minutes
       40 (0.31%) sessions lasted 31-45 minutes
       10 (0.08%) sessions lasted 46-60 minutes
       11 (0.08%) sessions lasted 61 or more minutes

         Page Usage Analysis

      Analysis for the Month of Feb, 2002.

      Total pages tracked during period : 323
      Total page views recorded : 25432
      The average number of views per page : 78.74

      Top 10 most commonly accessed pages during period:
        /index.htm with 3079 page views (12.11% of all traffic)
        /tech.htm with 1518 page views (5.97% of all traffic)
        /forsale.htm with 1469 page views (5.78% of all traffic)
        /prod01.htm with 1076 page views (4.23% of all traffic)
        /links.htm with 910 page views (3.58% of all traffic)
        /gmcsearch/index.html with 643 page views (2.53% of all traffic)

        /tech/dsimmons/air_suspension/air-suspension-system.html with 484 page views (1.90% of all traffic)
        /tech/dsimmons/required_gmc_knowledge/required_gmc_info.h... with 413 page views (1.62% of all traffic)
        /serv01.htm with 384 page views (1.51% of all traffic)
        /news.htm with 348 page views (1.37% of all traffic)

      Top 10 least commonly accessed pages during period:
        /newsletter/00-12/pictorial/09-200017.htm with 1 page views
        /newsletter/00-12/pictorial/09-200016.htm with 1 page views
        /tech/dsimmons/required_gmc_knowledge/ with 2 page views
        /techcenter/ with 2 page views
        /newsletter/01-06/pictorial/01-06-20.htm with 2 page views
        /newsletter/01-06/pictorial/01-06-18.htm with 2 page views
        /newsletter/00-12/pictorial/09-200012.htm with 2 page views
        /newsletter/00-06/pictorial/gmcws_00-06nl_pictorial08.htm with 2 page views
        /millenium_reg.html with 2 page views
        /gmcsearch/ with 2 page views

      Top 10 entry point pages (first pages viewed):
        /index.htm with 2597 page views
        /tech.htm with 822 page views
        /prod01.htm with 673 page views
        /forsale.htm with 656 page views
        /tech/dsimmons/air_suspension/air-suspension-system.html with 396 page views
        /gmcsearch/index.html with 345 page views
        /tech/dsimmons/required_gmc_knowledge/required_gmc_info.h... with 294 page views
        /tech/dsimmons/onan/onan.html with 204 page views
        /links.htm with 200 page views
        /tech/efi/efi.html with 186 page views

      Top 10 exit point pages (last pages viewed):
        /index.htm with 1110 page views
        /forsale.htm with 1090 page views
        /tech.htm with 902 page views
        /links.htm with 778 page views
        /prod01.htm with 678 page views
        /gmcsearch/index.html with 387 page views
        /tech/dsimmons/required_gmc_knowledge/required_gmc_info.h... with 368 page views
        /tech/dsimmons/air_suspension/air-suspension-system.html with 356 page views
        /serv01.htm with 217 page views
        /tech/dsimmons/onan/onan.html with 211 page views

      Top 10 pages which were the only page viewed:
        /index.htm with 896 page views
        /tech.htm with 634 page views
        /forsale.htm with 577 page views
        /prod01.htm with 495 page views
        /tech/dsimmons/air_suspension/air-suspension-system.html with 340 page views
        /tech/dsimmons/required_gmc_knowledge/required_gmc_info.h... with 282 page views
        /gmcsearch/index.html with 240 page views
        /tech/efi/efi.html with 183 page views
        /tech/dsimmons/onan/onan.html with 180 page views
        /links.htm with 175 page views

         User Agent Analysis

      Analysis for the Month of Feb, 2002.

       Total sessions served during period : 13070

      Most active browsers by type and version:
        AOL 4.x with 4252 sessions (32.03% of all sessions)
        MSIE 5.x with 4134 sessions (31.14% of all sessions)
        Netscape 4.x with 2063 sessions (15.54% of all sessions)
        Unknown with 1261 sessions (9.50% of all sessions)
        Netscape 5.x with 533 sessions (4.01% of all sessions)
        Netscape 3.x with 327 sessions (2.46% of all sessions)
        AOL 5.x with 314 sessions (2.36% of all sessions)
        MSIE 4.x with 149 sessions (1.12% of all sessions)
        Netscape 2.x with 112 sessions (0.84% of all sessions)
        WebTV 2.x with 82 sessions (0.62% of all sessions)

      Most browsers by brand preference:
        MSIE with 5857 sessions (44.11% of all sessions)
        AOL with 4566 sessions (34.39% of all sessions)
        Netscape with 1461 sessions (11.00% of all sessions)
        Other with 1261 sessions (9.50% of all sessions)
        WebTV with 122 sessions (0.92% of all sessions)
        Opera with 8 sessions (0.06% of all sessions)
        MSProxy with 2 sessions (0.02% of all sessions)

      Most popular user operating systems used for access:
        Windows 98 with 7012 sessions (52.81% of all sessions)
        Windows NT with 2184 sessions (16.45% of all sessions)
        Unknown with 2124 sessions (16.00% of all sessions)
        Windows 95 with 1593 sessions (12.00% of all sessions)
        Macintosh PPC with 283 sessions (2.13% of all sessions)
        Windows 3.1x with 65 sessions (0.49% of all sessions)
        SUN OS with 7 sessions (0.05% of all sessions)
        LINUX with 6 sessions (0.05% of all sessions)
        OS/2 with 2 sessions (0.02% of all sessions)
        BSD UNIX with 1 sessions (0.00% of all sessions)

      Top 10 new browser tags during period:
        Scooter-3.2.DIL with 301 sessions
        Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.4)... with 45 sessions
        Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; formatpb; ... with 42 sessions
        Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; Genera... with 42 sessions
        Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0; BSA Sc... with 42 sessions
        Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt; se... with 42 sessions
        Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; AOL 5.0; Windows 98; D... with 40 sessions
        Scooter-3.2.NIV with 36 sessions
        Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; AOL 6.0; Windows 98; I... with 27 sessions
        Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; MSN 2.6; AOL 6.0; Wind... with 16 sessions

         Referrer Activity Analysis

      Analysis for the Month of Feb, 2002.

       Total sessions served during period : 13070
       Total search engine referred sessions : 748 (5.72%)
       Total referred session : 9029 (69.08%)
       Total blind (no referrer) sessions : 3293 (25.20%)
       Total referring domains tracked during period : 11

      Top 10 most active referring domains during period: with 5457 referrals made (56.91% of all referrals) with 719 referrals made (7.50% of all referrals) with 677 referrals made (7.06% of all referrals) with 462 referrals made (4.82% of all referrals) with 385 referrals made (4.02% of all referrals) with 202 referrals made (2.11% of all referrals) with 201 referrals made (2.10% of all referrals) with 190 referrals made (1.98% of all referrals) with 129 referrals made (1.35% of all referrals) with 124 referrals made (1.29% of all referrals)

      Top 10 most active referring search engines: with 463 referrals made (61.90% of all referrals) with 112 referrals made (14.97% of all referrals) with 68 referrals made (9.09% of all referrals) with 59 referrals made (7.89% of all referrals) with 21 referrals made (2.81% of all referrals) with 15 referrals made (2.01% of all referrals) with 10 referrals made (1.34% of all referrals)

      Top 10 referring URLs during period: with 1833 referrals with 732 referrals with 694 referrals with 633 referrals with 566 referrals with 440 referrals with 353 referrals with 266 referrals with 194 referrals with 193 referrals

      Top 10 NEW referring URLs recorded during period: with 68 referrals with 6 referrals with 5 referrals with 4 referrals with 4 referrals with 4 referrals with 3 referrals with 3 referrals with 3 referrals with 2 referrals

         Sessions by Network Location

      Analysis for the Month of Feb, 2002.

       Total sessions served during period : 13070

      Breakdown of American Traffic by State
      Virginia, USA. with 2446 sessions. (18.71 % of traffic)
      New York, USA. with 2244 sessions. (17.17 % of traffic)
      Illinois, USA. with 686 sessions. (5.25 % of traffic)
      California, USA. with 619 sessions. (4.74 % of traffic)
      ??, USA. with 577 sessions. (4.41 % of traffic)
      Colorado, USA. with 487 sessions. (3.73 % of traffic)
      Washington DC, USA. with 216 sessions. (1.65 % of traffic)
      New Jersey, USA. with 179 sessions. (1.37 % of traffic)
      Texas, USA. with 170 sessions. (1.30 % of traffic)
      Florida, USA. with 129 sessions. (0.99 % of traffic)
      Washington, USA. with 118 sessions. (0.90 % of traffic)
      Tennessee, USA. with 107 sessions. (0.82 % of traffic)
      Pennsylvania, USA. with 105 sessions. (0.80 % of traffic)
      Georgia, USA. with 97 sessions. (0.74 % of traffic)
      Minnesota, USA. with 87 sessions. (0.67 % of traffic)
      Ohio, USA. with 85 sessions. (0.65 % of traffic)
      New Mexico, USA. with 44 sessions. (0.34 % of traffic)
      Massachusetts, USA. with 40 sessions. (0.31 % of traffic)
      Michigan, USA. with 27 sessions. (0.21 % of traffic)
      North Carolina, USA. with 25 sessions. (0.19 % of traffic)
      Missouri, USA. with 24 sessions. (0.18 % of traffic)
      Arizona, USA. with 22 sessions. (0.17 % of traffic)
      Wisconsin, USA. with 22 sessions. (0.17 % of traffic)
      Maryland, USA. with 21 sessions. (0.16 % of traffic)
      Nebraska, USA. with 16 sessions. (0.12 % of traffic)
      Indiana, USA. with 15 sessions. (0.11 % of traffic)
      Kentucky, USA. with 14 sessions. (0.11 % of traffic)
      Oklahoma, USA. with 14 sessions. (0.11 % of traffic)
      Connecticut, USA. with 13 sessions. (0.10 % of traffic)
      Iowa, USA. with 12 sessions. (0.09 % of traffic)
      Alabama, USA. with 11 sessions. (0.08 % of traffic)
      Utah, USA. with 9 sessions. (0.07 % of traffic)
      Oregon, USA. with 8 sessions. (0.06 % of traffic)
      Louisiana, USA. with 8 sessions. (0.06 % of traffic)
      Nevada, USA. with 7 sessions. (0.05 % of traffic)
      Arkansas, USA. with 6 sessions. (0.05 % of traffic)
      Idaho, USA. with 6 sessions. (0.05 % of traffic)
      Kansas, USA. with 5 sessions. (0.04 % of traffic)
      Montana, USA. with 4 sessions. (0.03 % of traffic)
      Delaware, USA. with 4 sessions. (0.03 % of traffic)
      Hawaii, USA. with 4 sessions. (0.03 % of traffic)
      Mississippi, USA. with 3 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      Maine, USA. with 3 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      Alaska, USA. with 3 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      Armed Forces with 2 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      North Dakota, USA. with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      South Carolina, USA. with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Puerto Rico, USA. with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Vermont, USA. with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      West Virginia, USA. with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Total U.S. Traffic 8749 sessions. (66.94 % of traffic)
      Breakdown of Canadian Traffic by Province
      Ontario, Can. with 110 sessions. (0.84 % of traffic)
      Quebec, Can. with 94 sessions. (0.72 % of traffic)
      Canada with 58 sessions. (0.44 % of traffic)
      Alberta, Can. with 41 sessions. (0.31 % of traffic)
      British Columbia, Can. with 28 sessions. (0.21 % of traffic)
      Manatoba, Can. with 6 sessions. (0.05 % of traffic)
      Saskatchewan, Can. with 2 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      Nova Scotia, Can. with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Newfoundland, Can. with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Northwest Territories, Can. with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)

      Total CDN Traffic 342 sessions. (2.62 % of traffic)
      Breakdown of Traffic by Continent
      North America with 9137 sessions. (69.91 % of traffic)
      South America with 523 sessions. (4.00 % of traffic)
      Europe with 129 sessions. (0.99 % of traffic)
      Asia with 66 sessions. (0.50 % of traffic)
      Australia & Oceana with 34 sessions. (0.26 % of traffic)
      Africa with 4 sessions. (0.03 % of traffic)
      Breakdown of Traffic from the continent of North America
      United States with 8749 sessions. (66.94 % of traffic)
      Canada with 342 sessions. (2.62 % of traffic)
      Mexico with 42 sessions. (0.32 % of traffic)
      Puerto Rico with 2 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      Netherlands Antilles with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Guatemala with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Total North American Traffic 9137 sessions. (69.91 % of traffic)
      Breakdown of Traffic from the continent of South America
      Argentina with 518 sessions. (3.96 % of traffic)
      Chile with 3 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      Brazil with 2 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      Total South American Traffic 523 sessions. (4.00 % of traffic)
      Breakdown of Traffic from the continent of Europe
      Germany with 46 sessions. (0.35 % of traffic)
      United Kingdom with 25 sessions. (0.19 % of traffic)
      France with 21 sessions. (0.16 % of traffic)
      Netherlands with 20 sessions. (0.15 % of traffic)
      Norway with 6 sessions. (0.05 % of traffic)
      Finland with 4 sessions. (0.03 % of traffic)
      Sweden with 3 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      Greece with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Croatia with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Switzerland with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Italy with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Total European Traffic 129 sessions. (0.99 % of traffic)
      Breakdown of Traffic from the continent of Asia
      Japan with 15 sessions. (0.11 % of traffic)
      Turkey with 9 sessions. (0.07 % of traffic)
      China with 9 sessions. (0.07 % of traffic)
      Taiwan with 9 sessions. (0.07 % of traffic)
      Philippines with 6 sessions. (0.05 % of traffic)
      India with 4 sessions. (0.03 % of traffic)
      Korea with 3 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      Singapore with 2 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      Malaysia with 2 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      Hong Kong with 2 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      Jordan with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Thailand with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Pakistan with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Kuwait with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Israel with 1 sessions. (0.00 % of traffic)
      Total Asian Traffic 66 sessions. (0.50 % of traffic)
      Breakdown of Traffic from the continent of Australia & Oceana
      Australia with 26 sessions. (0.20 % of traffic)
      New Zealand with 8 sessions. (0.06 % of traffic)
      Total Australian Traffic 34 sessions. (0.26 % of traffic)
      Breakdown of Traffic from the continent of Africa
      Egypt with 2 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      South Africa with 2 sessions. (0.02 % of traffic)
      Total African Traffic 4 sessions. (0.03 % of traffic)